twisted and torn. should i, should i not? Monday, November 30, 2009 random picture yeah(: This was taken during Sports Day 09. YES I HEART SPORTS DAY-S! Cos its the only time that I can actually win my own medals in track events, and see where I stand in terms of my current speed much:/ Shucks, I used to have such skinny legs! But obviously not compared to Valerie's haha! Okay. TRAINING. 300mx10. 2min rest. 66s pace for each round. Argh. I could only manage an average of about 72s? Except the last one where I really went all out and did 64s:D But I'm happy, cos I tried my best, so YAY ME! Anyways, I'm in a dilemma right now. It didn't appear very significant to me at first, but I've realised that maybe, just maybe, I should just concentrate on sprints instead of crosscountry. Do more speed work and power training on my own, so that I'll be ready to fight for that 3rd spot in the 100m track&field Nats. Mr Tay believes that I can do it! And more importantly, so do I:) But I'm still not sure if I should put all my eggs in one basket, many of my seniors believe that I can do well in xcountry too:/ Advice, anyone? Sunday was really fun! Haha especially camp publicity:D Thanks Jelaine and Joshua Foo for helping me out, and sorry for leaving you guys at the back, make me feel so paiseh.. Sis Kim preached really well and I really felt impacted by her sermon, especially since I always compare my talents to others. Then, when Bro Zhi Cao was praying for me, I realised that I have more than enough talents of my own. I mean I can sing I can dance I can run I can wakeboard I can be artsy fartsy I can lead I can swim I can play the piano and the guitar I can do poetry I can get top50 in school I can do so many many things! Why worry about not being as good as others? Then Sec2 farewell thing. OH MAN I'M GONNA MISS ALL THE SEC1S AND THE LEADERS! Thanks for being so awesome and caring:) left behind. again Friday, November 27, 2009 GOODBYE JASMINE. Its sad that you had to go, and although I'll miss you lots, I hope that you'll be strong and work hard, and don't ever let anyone bring you down. See you next year kays(: Yesterday was truly a heartbreaker. Besides sending off Jasmine at the airport, and seeing her for the last time till next December, I got left behind. Again. I'm not going into any details whatsoever, but I just have to say this to you two: I know you apologised repeatedly for leaving me behind, and gave me hugs and made everything seem like it was alright again. But you have to know that its NOT alright. I was really hurt deep down, even until now. You wretched my heart, kicked me in my guts. Its the second time and I'm not standing for the third. If this happens again, You guys can kiss our friendship goodbye. Cos my tears would be of more worth than this relationship that we have. 1) Guys who play the piano are uber cool:D 2) I'm STILL waiting for my new laptop 3) My brother got 222 for PSLE (its deja vu, considering the fact that I kept telling him he would get 222) 4) Sylvia's still rocking in Singapore Idol! 5) I'm sorry to say this but Tabby seems kindof lousy now compared to Sylvia and Sezairi 6) I wanna play badminton real bad:( 7) I need to run! and faster too:/ 8) CAMP STUFF CAMP STUFF CAMP STUFF! 9) I might not get to see my baby cousin tomorrowD: 10) I miss Jasmine already:( because Tanya said my hair was sexy. Monday, November 23, 2009 TO MY DEAREST ADRIENNE, though you'll be going to IP next year, and I won't really see you anymore, I still hope that you'll be able to do well in your new school, and that we'll remain close buds:) Vania, Ing Yee, Adrienne Okay, now moving on to Track Chalet, which was last week.. I promised you guys photos, so here they are! Good 'ol Romaineee was mopping the floor all by herself. She didn't even want to let me help:/ Theodora, Ching Yee, Celynn, Hannah, Ing Yee, Sarah, Meaghan, Joanne! Ahhaha! On Wednesday night, after the Sec4 farewell thing, Tanya suddenly told me that. MY HAIR LOOKED SEXY! Haha! Oh man, so I only took this picture to see if it actually was sexy. It was:D Pictures with the Sec4s:) Sorry Shreya I didn't post ours cos I looked really weird.. Marhdiyyah! Ying Ying! Carolyn! (Ps I spelt your name correctly here! Haha) Jedidah! Syahirah! Naomi! Zahrah! Jasmine! Theresa! Thank you guys for being so awesome! And I still hope that you guys like the notebooks and use them well! You'll be missed<3 Valeire Oh. My cute tiny little junior:) Jocelyn's famous body gag. Argh I really want to watch the video again! Theodora! Steph, Ing Yee, Ariel, Clara! Romaine's Eyore:) Training today was day-yum tiring. It just rained so the air was super dense. I died. But I managed to finish it so YAY! And thank you Mr Tay for telling me about the Swenson's card thing! I am forever in your debt! the good things in life. don't last. Friday, November 20, 2009 ![]() I'm back from track chalet:D It was quite awesome, though so tiring. I slept from 5-10pm yesterday after coming back! Pictures in next post soon:) I miss the Sec4s already.. Argh. Some of them even wrote me letters! So thank youu! I really appreciate yourencouragement and belief in me! I hope I won't let you guys down for Xcountry :/ Oh, and a big shout out to ZAHRAH and DAD! Thanks for the delicious Nasi Lemak and cookies! And for always fetching me home after training. You guys are really like family to me:) Training today. Sucked. Stomachaches and weariness really make a lethal combination. i need. power gel. LOTS of it. Monday, November 16, 2009 ![]() My first race representing Cedar. And yet, 2 of my first-ever teammates will be leaving soon): Tomorrow's track chalet might very well be the last time I'll ever see some of the sec4s again.. Damn. This is sad. Alrighty! Last post before I go to chalet tomorrow. Church was, kinda fun! "HUH!?" , Was quite funny. Still can't believe that Sis Berber used to dance ballet! Haha(: Oh, and Theresa came with Jedidah! She's coming to Ignyte from now onwards. Period. Thank you God for using Ignyte to impact Theresa:D ![]() Untitled - Simple Plan I open my eyes I try to see but I’m blinded by the white light I can’t remember how I can’t remember why I’m lying here tonight And I can’t stand the pain And I can’t make it go away No I can’t stand the pain How could this happen to me I made my mistakes I’ve got no where to run The night goes on As I’m fading away I’m sick of this life I just wanna scream How could this happen to me Everybody’s screaming I try to make a sound but no one hears me I’m slipping off the edge I’m hanging by a thread I wanna start this over again So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered And I can’t explain what happened And I can’t erase the things that I’ve done No I can’t How could this happen to me I made my mistakes I’ve got no where to run The night goes on As I’m fading away I’m sick of this life I just wanna scream How could this happen to me I made my mistakes I’ve got no where to run The night goes on As I’m fading away I’m sick of this life I just wanna scream How could this happen to me Imagine what the world will truly be like, Without God's love; Without His touch; Without His strength. Simple Plan is so awesome(: Go listen to "Your Love is a Lie" and you'll see why. the highhs, and the lows Friday, November 13, 2009 Today was really.. Hilly? Haha so many things happened, or rather, so many "important things" happened! Training was at Macritchie today morning, 8am. Argh, so early, and I was damn stressed that I wouldn't be able to run well:( Cos I was still kinda coughing and had lots of phlegm, but I was feeling kinda guilty for not going on Wednesday so I went anyway. I didn't even run in the end:( I was sort of looking forward to running the 5km, you know just RUN and at least maitain my stamina or something. Then, while we were stretching, Mr Goh asked Cheryl if anyone was sick and could look after the bags cos Mr Tay wasn't here. She pointed at me D: Well, at least I did Cedar Xcountry a service by volunteering myself! And I managed to do some core excercises while waiting anyway. AND, I didn't get dirty! HAHA. Next... I GOT INTO TRIPLE SCIENCE WHOOOOOOO! Congrats to everyone else too, including Rachel Goh! I'm so so so ecstatic that God has blessed me with such awesome results! Hopefully I'll work really hard and do really well next year(: Thank youu everyone for believing in me. I <3 you peopleeeeeeeeeee here again to save the day.. Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Hello hello! I've finally started blogging again after, what, 5720957693 years? The dinosours must have already died a few times over, haha! But I'll try to post more often now, since its the holidays. Speaking of my last "relaxing" holiday before I move on to Sec3, I'm packed to the brim with XCountry training and other activities, like, Camp IGnormous! Yes yes, awesome huh? I'm so happy that God has given me the chance to be in the camp comm this year. Hopefully I'll get another opportunity next time. So GO FOR CAMP IGNORMOUS PEOPLE! Its gonna be so so very fun, especially the games(: ![]() |
profile ingyee! IGNYTE<3 120495 she runs, she wakeboards, she eats! Tagboard shout out loud Affiliates you're on your way ALEE's ANISA's AQILAH's AUDREY's BERNICESIM's CHLOE's CONNY's DANABANANA's DEBI's DESIREE's ENQI's GRACENG's HANNAHLAU's HUILIN's JACKIE's JANICE's JASMINELOH's JASMINEOW's JASSANDRA's JAYNE's JEDIDAH's JElAINE's JINGYUN's JOANNE's JOCELYN's JONATHANKIT's JOSHUAFOO's KIMBERLYLONG's MAVIS's NICOLE MARY's NICOLE LUM's PARMY's PRISTINE's RACHEL TEH's RACHEL GOH's ROMAINE's ROUHUI's SHUJIA's STEFANIE's SUSAN's SYASYA's VALERIEOH's WANXIN's XIAOJING's YUNJJIE's ZAHRAH's 2ARABIAN'09's CGSS TRACK's Archive gone with the wind » November 2009 » December 2009 » January 2010 » February 2010 » March 2010 » April 2010 » May 2010 » June 2010 Credits take a big bow Background : Photobucket. |